Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011 Favorites

Here are a few of my favorite memories from 2011.....

My Bachelorette Party in New Orleans 
Tyler's 2nd Birthday with his "pup-cakes"
Dancing with friends 2 nights before the wedding
The Duke Mansion... where we got married 
Our wonderful wedding party :) 
Getting Ready 

One of my favorite pictures ever of my always serious Dad...
So happy I got to see a bunch of my family from Canada :) 

KC's wedding in Jamaica! 
Love these girls so much! 
214 and the husbands... 
Girl Time in Atlanta over the summer 

Tyler ready for the 4th of July/Jim's Birthday

Honeymoon in Europe! 

Babysitting Carter 

Sugarland Concert 
Football Game 
First Christmas as a married couple

 Here's to hoping 2012 is just as good... if not better than 2011... it will be hard to top :) 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Cheer

So it's December 27th and we have completed Round 1 of the holidays with my family. Round 2 starts in a few hours when Jim's family gets here. We were lucky not to travel this year and have everyone come to us. It is nice for Jim to spend 10 days in a row at home! Anyways I thought I'd share a few photos from the time spent with my parents and some of our holiday decorations. We had a wonderful time. I think the biggest hit was the Wii Hunting game we got my Dad. I'm pretty sure we played it for hours. We also enjoyed some card games and lots of great food! Can't wait for the next time we will all spend time together again.

Definitely one of the best Christmas dinners we have had in awhile. Everything was perfect! 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

8 months!?

So I'm clearly about as good at blogging as I have been at journal writing the last few years.... which is not good at all! Whoops! I can't say I'm surprised by that fact though. Honestly work has been consuming my life and adjusting to Jim's new traveling schedule to Nashville every week hasn't been easy. That being said when I did check on my blog today the little anniversary ticker reminded me that today is our 8 month anniversary... seriously, 8 months?? I know I've spent my whole life saying how time flies and always dwelling on memories from the past but it's so true... TIME FLIES!!!

Anyways I thought I would do a quick picture recap of our honeymoon that we enjoyed at the end of July. We spent some time in Rome, Italy before visiting Sicily, Athens Greece, Kusadasi Turkey, and Crete on our Mediterranean cruise. Here are a few of my favorite pictures.

Yummy Italian Pizza 
Our hotel in Rome... literally right in front of the Imperial Ruins and a block from the Coliseum 

Inside St. Peter's Basilica 

Trevi Fountain

The main street is shut down on Sundays and full of live music. It was such a great atmosphere. 

The Parthenon at the Acropolis in Athens

A pretty little chapel out on the water in Crete. 

Ruins in Ephesus, Turkey 

World's largest mechanical clock in Messina, Crete. 

We are looking forward to 2 more trips in our near future now.... Las Vegas with friends in January and Paris and London in March for our 1 year anniversary over Spring Break. I can't wait to share my favorite spots in those 2 cities with Jim!